Messages from Diverse Sources
Monday, August 14, 2023
O Immaculate Heart, Give Me Peace, Joy, Comfort
Message and Prayer to the Immaculate Heart of Mary Most Holy of Saint Barachiel Archangel and Message of St. Joseph, given to Mario D'Ignazio on May 16, 2023

I hear sweetest, consoling melodies. Then I hear St. Barachiel's voice saying:
Pray to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. May, month dear to Her. Entrust yourselves to Her, just as you are, without despairing over old mistakes, infidelities, sins. Pray thus to the Heart of the Divine Mother:
O Immaculate Heart, give me peace, joy, comfort. You know that I despair, that I go astray in the ways of the world. Thou knowest that the cross burdens my whole being. Thou knowest that Satan tempts me, discourages, diverts, makes me err. Hear me, O Most Pure Heart, and bless me. Preserve me in You. Preserve me from the fire of Hell. Deliver me from the Oppressor and the many demons around me. I consecrate myself to You, O Immaculate, Most Pure, Sorrowful and Pierced Heart for the Love of all men. Help me to purify, convert and sanctify myself. Never abandon me. Immaculate Heart, triumph in me and in the whole world. Amen.
Message of St. Joseph
My children, children of the Heart of Mary Immaculate. Beloved, chosen and chosen souls: listen to Me. Surrender yourselves to God Love, God Love. Find grace, peace, consolation in Him alone. Come on, beloved children, pray the Holy Mantle*, live the month of May well. I bless you all, beloved children.
The Holy Mantle of St. Joseph*